Top 5 Resources (You Haven't Heard of) for Women in PR, Social Media and Marketing
We all know the major publications, sites and accounts to follow in order to sharpen our skills, but here are a few cool under-the-radar resources I've found:
What I like about it: It's a great use of a visual medium, such as Instagram, to speak to this organization's expertise. Lots of great, consumable, quick and dirty PR tips.

What I like about it: Cindy Gallop is a champion for women in advertising, as well as just about any other profession. She speaks her mind and provides advice for women of all ages, fields and specialties. I dare you to find someone in leadership who is more responsive and active on this channel.

3. Spin Sucks:
What I like about it: Like the name implies, it's a no nonsense approach to professional communications, be it PR, social media or corporate comms. It's a blog that's worth a second look and not as stuffy as many of the other, larger online pubs.

What I like about it: This is pretty much the only e-newsletter I look forward to getting. Ash Ambirge has one of the most unique perspectives on business and branding out there. Plus, her copywriting skills are downright lovely. She makes me want to be a better writer.

What I like about it: Media Bistro is already well-known for their articles and insights on communications, but they also offer some pretty great courses. And compared to some other courses offered out there, they're pretty inexpensive, especially when they have flash sales or other special sales.

What are some other resources you'd add to this list? Tweet me your recommendations at @mareejones or contact me here!