My top Tweets of 2019 and what they can teach you about having a smart Twitter strategy
Twitter is one of my favorite social media platforms. An avid user since 2010, I was actually "late" to the game. Many people – the OG Twitter users – had already established a well-maintained following way before I got there.
But once I got there, I loved it.
The quick wit.
The meme-ability of it all.
Twitter spoke to me.
Fast-forward nearly a decade later, and many people and companies are just now dipping their toes into Twitter. Or, there may be plenty of people out there who have an account but don't know how to use it. They're the "lurkers" of Twitter.
This week, I went through some of my top (and favorite) Tweets from 2019. Consider my work as an example of a well-rounded Twitter strategy.

Here are my best Twitter tips:
Inject some humor into your copy. Study the humorists and comedians. Follow at least 3-4 of them to see how to be funny on Twitter. Take notes. Write a few funny Tweets. Rinse and repeat.
Quoting and threading are garnishes and should be used as such. But, when done correctly, they can be instrumental to Twitter success, especially when the OP (original poster) joins in the conversation.
Replies should be a pillar in your overall Twitter strategy. Unlike the garnishes of quoting tweets and threading, replying can be a way to yield impressive engagement on a piece of content.
Kim Kardashian has mentioned many times using social media as an "instant focus group." It's not a bad idea, especially when you genuinely want the input of your followers.
Do "@" me. If you're talking about a product, service, or person you're happy with, don't be afraid to tag them. Most of the time, we tag businesses when there's something wrong. Don't be shy about tagging when there's something right!
Images. Images. Images. Even on Twitter. Visuals are an essential part of social media. And yes, though you may roll your eyes, selfies can generate a lot of engagement.
Learn how to ask the right questions. "Did you know?" isn't a great question to ask on Twitter, but it's become a crutch for many social media writers (including me). Including thoughtful questions in your Tweets almost always ensure thoughtful replies.
Offer advice, but don't be a know-it-all. State your facts, but be open to others' expressing their insights as well.
If these are too many rules for you to follow, remember the rule of thirds for Twitter:
✅ 1/3 of your content should be "shower thoughts" – random observation or tweet-able bits of original thought from you
✅ 1/3 of your content should be curated: share articles you've read or RT others' original ideas
✅ 1/3 should be replies to others' Tweets
If you keep this mix going, you'll have a much more robust Twitter presence in no time. And, like me, you'll learn to appreciate what this platform has to offer.
Speaking of which, if you're not following me already, be sure to follow and Tweet me at @mareejones.